Dynasty Preppers LLC

SHTF Food Storage Tip – Storing Spices



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SHTF Food Storage Tip – Storing Spices

Today we take a look at an essential item to store for when SHTF. Spices are the variety of life, and without them life after an “event” will be pretty bland. Having a stock of the normal spices you use, whether that be herbs you buy or grow, will help make all those rice and beans you stocked up on much more palatable if SHTF, and by stocking up on what you normally use you will be able to rotate through them with relative ease.

Watch this video if you want to learn:
– Common spices we store for SHTF
– Our reasoning for storing spice

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Disclaimer and Warnings: Activites, techniques, tips and or suggestions are for informational purposes only. Use survival equipment and techniques at your own risk. Survival, disaster and crisis situations are dangerous and may result in injury or death. It is your responsibility to have the proper training, information, experience and equipment. Any situation can expose you to unpredictable hazards and risks. Dynasty Preppers LLC is not responsible for any injury, death, or consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided in this video. Dynasty Preppers LLC does not suggest or guarantee that the use of the information or any equipment shown, will ensure survival or prevent risks. The viewer or reader assumes all risks for any use or misuse of the information and/or products shown in this video. All local, state and federal laws apply, we suggest that you research the laws in your area.

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